Dress For Stress

Auth024Ephesians 6:14 instructs us to “Put on the BELT of TRUTH.”
Roman soldiers, when they were off-duty, dressed very casually.   It was their custom to wear long, loose-fitting tunics.  However, when they would dress for battle, it was necessary for them to draw up the loose-ends of their long garment, tuck it under the belt, and tightly fasten it around their waist so they wouldn’t slip, trip, or fall when fighting their adversary.
Without the BELT of TRUTH to hold things together, the enemy (satan) could easily injure them, defeat them, or slay them.  So it was extremely important that the 1st thing they would PUT ON was the BELT of TRUTH.  They fully realized that if they failed to put it on, they’d  have to pay the consequences!

There used to be an old TV game show called “Truth or Consequences.”  The contestant had to answer a question correctly or he had to pay a consequence.  Well, the game of life is played in much the same way.
John 14:6 tells us that Jesus is “THE WAY…THE TRUTH…and THE LIFE.”  He leads us down “The Path of Truth” and shows us “the way” we’re to go.  If we fall off the path or go another way, the thief will come and rob us, mislead us, and even try to kill us.

John 10:10 – The thief comes to ROB, KILL, and DESTROY…but I have come to give you a more ABUNDANT LIFE.
It’s our choice, and our responsibility to “PUT ON the BELT of TRUTH.”  We must decide who we’ll follow and what path we’ll take.  But if we choose to journey with Jesus, and abide with Him, many blessings will accompany us along the way.
I Peter 1:22-23 – Since you have purified your souls in obeying the TRUTH through the Spirit in sincere love… Through the word of God…I will extend to you many blessings.

Therefore, walk on “The Path of Truth” beside Jesus, and you’ll arrive safely—alive and well–at your desired destination.  If, however, you choose to disobey and stray onto a different path, know this–you will pay the CONSEQUENCES!  The thief (satan) will come and rob you, wound you, and try to kill you.  But Jesus is trying to tell us to walk with Him on “The Path of Truth” (after having “put on the full armor”) in order to eliminate stress and experience a more abundant, peaceful, and fulfilling life.
John 8:31-32 – If you ABIDE in My word…you shall know THE TRUTH, and THE TRUTH shall make you free.  John 15:5 – …He who ABIDES in Me, and I in Him, bears much fruit: for without Me, you can do nothing.
Jesus is seeking true worshippers who will “worship (serve) Him in spirit and in TRUTH.”  [John 4:23-24]  Our walk with Jesus must be in truth—transparent, sincere, and according to biblical guidelines.  Don’t cross over the line…you’ll pay a big fine (penalty).  Don’t stray and go the wrong way…you’ll get lost.

Many years ago, a few of us gals wanted to do something different—something daring—something exciting.  So we decided to go whitewater rafting on a cold October weekend.  We were very inexperienced.  In fact, one of the gals couldn’t even swim.  As the Guide was talking to us, telling us the dangers that lay ahead—as we sat shaking—tightly clutching our paddles and huddled together in our tiny raft (while still on dry land)–he clearly discerned we wouldn’t make it on our own!
Therefore, he said, “I’ll go with you!”  The TRUTH of the matter was that he was our only hope.

It proved to be a very exciting trip.  We paddled hard, got drenched, swallowed a lot of water, slammed into a few rocks, got spun around, and were even tossed out of the raft.  But the Guide knew what to do—and He carefully watched over us—leading THE WAY.  He let us do our part, but when we got into deep water or trouble, He always rescued us.  He was always within arm’s reach.  What a trip it was….what a journey!  And know this—your JOURNEY with JESUS will prove to be even more exciting and full of adventure, if you have the courage and the passion to go with Him.

Never forget that He is “THE WAY…THE TRUTH…and He will give you a more abundant LIFE!  So, fasten your seatBELTS (your BELT of TRUTH)…here we go!

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