October 29 Worship: Reformation Sunday/New Member Service Scripture: Jeremiah 31:31-34; Psalm 46; Romans 3:19-28; John 8:31-36 / Sermon: “New Life” : Today is another celebration for every church member! We will be baptizing new believers and also receiving new church members. This is truly a day of celebration for every one of us, as we each have the opportunity to experience the grace of God through new life in Christ each and every day!
Annual Fall Ham Loaf Dinner: Sat., November, 4th at Haskins Community Church from 4 to 7pm. on the menu there will be delicious homemade ham loaf with special sauce, corn or green beans, roll and dessert. Adults: $15 / Children 4 – 8: $7 / 3 and under FREE. Pre-order by October 23rd by contacting Nancy at 419-494-7496. Eat in or carry out available.
All Saints Service: November 5th during worship service. Share in a tribute to those members and their immediate family who have died in the past year .
Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Collection: Fill a shoebox with toys, school items, and bring joy to an underprivileged child! Bring to the church by November 19th. Brochures available at the church.