Gardeners can’t wait for the invitation: “Time to Party,” nature calls each Spring. And few things sweeten the dirt-fest as well as swapping lilacs for lilies and forget-me-nots for forsythia.
   Crews of volunteer gardeners in Bowling Green and Toledo will host two free plant exchanges. Everyone attending can take home at least a few plants; those who donate garden goods can take home even more. 
    At both exchanges, master gardeners will answer questions. Be sure to know how many hours of direct sunlight your plots receive daily.
     Drop off plants beginning at 9 a.m. Saturday, April 27 at the Wood County Fairgrounds, 13800 Poe Rd., Bowling Green. Bring labeled, weed-free plants and gently-used gardening tools and paraphernalia.     At 10, the “exchange” opens and continues until all plants are claimed, usually in less than an hour. Information: 419-354-9050 and FB.  In its 15th year, Toledo’s Saturday, May 4 exchange moves to Ohlman’s Farm and Greenhouse, 3901 Hill Ave. Plant drop off begins at 8:30 a.m. and plant giveaway at 10. Information: 419-578-6783 and FB.

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