Free Movie Night! “Voiceless”

FREE MovieApril 17, 7 pm at Maumee Theater

The Foundation for Life SEAL team presents “Voiceless” at the Maumee Theater on April 17 at 7 pm.  Pre-register online to reserve a seat.  Space is limited.  The event is FREE and open to the public so sign a friend up too!

Voiceless is a story about a recently discharged soldier who had a rough upbringing, but because of his wife, found God and now is totally devoted to his faith.  He moves his family to Philadelphia takes a job as an outreach leader at an old church.  Things are going well and he starts connecting with the community when he discovers there’s an abortion clinic directly across the street from the church.  He tries to engage others to do something about the clinic but it comes down to a choice, is he going to back off or will he face a major confrontation which will require everyone to put everything on the line.

This film encourages people to stand up for what they know is right, particularly as it pertains to taking God’s truths into society to address social issues.  Enjoy this well done pro-life story to reaffirm your beliefs and bring someone along that might be challenged by this message.

SPONSORS are needed to help underwrite this educational outreach event.  If you are interested, contact Amber Morris at 419-535-5800 or see details on the website.

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