A Rhythm of Prayer: Assess Where You Are.


Dear Fellow Disciples,

Do you have a set rhythm for daily prayer?

Ancient Christians called this a “rule” of prayer. A prayer rule gets at the specifics of prayer: Where will I pray every day? When? For how long? What resources will I use?

This week your challenge is to assess where you are in terms of personal prayer rhythms.

Write out your answers to the following three questions. Talk about this with your spouse, children, and friends.

1. How would you describe your personal prayer and devotional life right now, in a few words?

2. Where would you like to grow in your prayer life?

3. What help do you need to do this successfully?

Persevering in Prayer,
Pastor Matt Musteric
Bethlehem Lutheran Church
220 Cedar St., P.O. Box 344
Pemberville, OH 43450
419-287-4182 or www.bethlehempemberville.org
Sunday Worship 9:00 am
Faith Formation: 10:20 am

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