A Word from the Pastor by Pastor Matt Musteric

Word PastorDear Fellow Disciples,

This Sunday, inspired by the witness of the Samaritan woman at the well, I invited all of us to talk to someone about Jesus this week.

The high school Digging Deeper (faith formation) class was on the ball! They practiced this by writing down on a card the things they found personally compelling about Jesus. Then they broke up into pairs and shared what they had written with each other.

What a great place to begin with telling someone about Jesus:
What do you find personally compelling about Jesus?

Maybe we need to practice with each other before we share with someone else.

So here’s a simple three-step process to sharing your faith this week:

1. Take an index card and write down as many things you can think of in 10 minutes that you find personally compelling about Jesus. (If you’re interested in going deeper, read through one of the gospels and then add to your list.)

2. Find a friend or family member to practice sharing your list with. Let the conversation go wherever the Spirit leads.

3. Pray about who else you might share this list with this week. Then set up a time to do it.

Let us pray: Lord Jesus, there is so much to love about you. Stir our hearts to share your goodness, grace and mercy with those around us this week. In your name. Amen!

Pastor Matt Musteric
Bethlehem Lutheran Church
Pemberville, OH



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