Sponsored by: Northwest Ohio Chiropractic Association (NOCA), Glass City Grind and Nuestra Gente Community Projects
- WHO: Producer/Director of “An American Epidemic” Michael Deleon.
- WHAT: Rx Epidemic Memorial Foundation Film Festival, FREE TO THE PUBLIC, presentations of the documentaries “Doctored” and “An American Epidemic”
- WHEN: Tuesday April 28th 2015, 6pm
- WHERE: Maumee Indoor Theater, Maumee. Ohio
- HOW: The Film festival is made possible by support from the North West Ohio Chiropractic Association (NOCA) and the Glass City Grind.
- WHY: The festival hopes to encourage a public dialog about the tragic and avoidable prescription drug epidemic that is fueling the heroin epidemic.
- CONTACT: Kyle Schalow, 419-206-4816 or kbs32@hotmail.com, Michael Deleon, Producer/Director, 609-579-2420, Dr. Tom Baur, President of NOCA, 419-973-3976, Lisa Dunn, Glass City Grind, 419-206-7268, President, Linda Parra, Executive Director, Nuestra Gente Community Projects 419-293-0581
Please be sure to catch up with everything going on in 2015 at the following websites and social media pages 1. www.RxEpidemicMemorialFoundation.com
- Rx2DC.Blogspot.com
- on FaceBook community page, Rx Epidemic Memorial Foundation
- on FaceBook event pages: Rx Epidemic Memorial Commemorative Calendar, Rx Epidemic Memorial Film Festival, Transformation 2015, STIGMA, STIGMA Artists Catalogue, 1st Annual Prescription Drug Abuse Awareness and Education Day, Opiate Help Line, Powerless Fest
- on Twitter: @Rx2DC, @1stFridayofMay, @stigmaartshow
- #Transformation2015 #NationalArchive #HB399 #1stFridayofMay #ThereIsHope #PeopleAndFamiliesDoRecover #ArtChangesTheWorld
Kyle Schalow, CEO, Rx Epidemic Memorial Foundation
Rx Epidemic Memorial Foundation
1200 Michigan Ave Suite E
Waterville, Ohio 43566