Living in the Light

Auth014I’ve had some time on my hands over the last few weeks and I’ve been catching up on T.V. show’s I’ve missed over the last few years.  One show got me thinking about how something so small as a harmless little white lie can have far reaching affects.  You see one small lie often requires subsequent lies to cover the first small lie. 

Suddenly, one finds themselves wrapped up in a world that doesn’t resemble the truth, only a fragment of truth.
Sometimes I feel that way when I talk to people that are hurting.  They don’t want to hurt anymore, but they don’t want to deal with the truth and so they construct what I call little “white lie picket fences” around the truth because, in essence, they think it’s easier to deal with the lie than face the truth head on.  So you put a pretty little white lie picket fence up and keep yourself or others from the truth.

The problem with that is we never get to the root of the problem.  If you want to stop hurting you’ve got to start facing the truth.  Not your version of the truth, not someone else’s version of the truth you need the real thing.
Truth is freeing.  Truth allows us to heal from our wounds.  Truth is your way out.  Covering up your issues is never a way out.  Ephesians 5:13 teaches us anything exposed to the light will become visible for all to see.  John 3:20 says “ All who do evil hate the light and refuse to go near it for fear their sins will be exposed.”

The sad reality is one of Satan’s greatest weapons the lie you cover up.  He’ll tell you all about what people will think of you, how they’ll treat you if they ever find out.  When the truth is, God’s people love to forgive others.  God’s people love to show grace.  I’ve seen it over and over again.  Does that mean there won’t be a price to pay?  Nope.  But living in the dark covering up lies is a pretty steep price to pay itself, plus you’re still dealing with the guilt.  That’s the spiritual equivalent of taking a few aspirin to cover up the pain of a nail stuck in your head.  You want rid of the pain?  Get the nail out.

If you want some truth in your life get things out in the open.  Deal with them in a proper and healthy manner.  If you don’t know how, go see your pastor, have him or her help you.  But you’ve got to come out from living in the darkness and get into the light.

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