EventsCategory Archives
Proclaim FM’s Christmas Craft Fair and Marketplace

Broadcasting Uplifting and Family Friendly music and programming since Sept. 1966.
Holland— November 4, 2023 — Proclaim FM, a 501(c)3 nonprofit, local radio station serving northwest Ohio and southeast Michigan for 57 years, is hosting their annual Christmas Craft Fair and Marketplace on Saturday, November 4th, 2023.
This festive event will include over 60 talented crafters and vendors to shop from, concessions, free raffles all day long and best of all, pictures with Santa himself! Families are encouraged to bring their kids for a memorable photo with the jolly old man in red. The Christmas Craft Fair will take place at Proclaim FM, located at 7112 Angola Rd. in Holland, Ohio from 10am-3pm. Entry fee is monetary cash or check donation upon arrival.
Proclaim FM
7112 Angola Rd.
Holland, OH 43528
Proclaim FM’s Pancake Breakfast

Broadcasting Uplifting and Family Friendly music and programming since Sept. 1966.
Holland— September 9th, 2023 — Proclaim FM, a 501(c)3 nonprofit, local radio station serving northwest Ohio and southeast Michigan, is hosting a pancake breakfast on September 9th, 2023 to celebrate 57 years of radio broadcasting.
This event will include a morning filled with delicious pancakes, tons of toppings,
sausage, breakfast beverages and fun for the kids too! Herdsmen Puppets will be there bringing entertainment for the whole family!
The community is welcomed to stop by Proclaim FM, located at 7112 Angola Rd. in Holland, Ohio from 8am-11am to join the celebration! The entry fee is a monetary cash or check donation upon arrival. This event will help support Proclaim FM and can keep the music playing, the stories flowing, and the love of God echoing through our airwaves.
Proclaim FM
7112 Angola Rd., Holland, OH 43528
For more information, contact: Morgan Coutcher
419-865-9767 / morgan@proclaimfm.com
Haskins Community Church News

August 6th Worship:Communion/10th Sunday after Pentecost
Guest Preacher Jeannine Grimm
Scripture: Isaiah 55:1-5; Psalm 145:8-9, 14-21; Romans 9:1-5; Matthew 14:13-21
Sermon:“No Such Thing as a Free Meal”
We welcome back to our pulpit Pastor Jeannine Grimm. The “means of grace” come to us through God’s unbounded love. So does the world around us. How does that abundance-with-abandon inform our call to be stewards of all God’s gifts. We will not be sharing in communion in August.
August 13th Worship: 11th Sunday After Pentecost
Guest Musician: Doug Stewart
Scripture: 1st Kings 19:9-18; Psalm 85:8-13; Romans 10:5-15; Matthew 14:22-33
Sermon: “Stuck in a Rut”
We welcome Doug Stewart, who will be sharing his musical talents with us. In her sermon, Pastor Jenny will encourage us to take an honest look at our spiritual lives. People live lives digging spiritual ruts, stuck in them. and living in them. Are you stuck in a Spiritual Rut? What can we do to set ourselves free?
Ohio became a state in 1803, and its constitution was substantially rewritten in 1851. Then again, in 1912, our Ohio Constitution was dramatically rewritten, and the standards for amending it were lowered to 50% plus 1. Since then, our state constitution has been amended 174 times.
Ohio’s Constitution is a foundational document that establishes our form of government and protects our freedoms. Today, the Constitution is far too easy to amend and should have the same protections as the U.S. Constitution and that of 35 other states. It should not be amended based on the issue priorities of dark money, special interests, or the changing political winds.

Church of St. Andrew UMC
3620 Heatherdowns Blvd., Toledo,
June 3rd, 6:00 p.m.
The topic is “Does Prayer Help?”.
Haskins Community Church News

May 21st Worship: Graduation/Sunday School Promotion Sunday
Scriptures: Acts 1:6-14; Psalm 68:1-10, 32-35; 1 Peter 4:12-14; 5:6-11; John 17:1-11
Sermon: “Discipline Yourselves”
In 1 Peter, chapter 4, Peter the Apostle shares with us some Godly wisdom: to humble ourselves, to share in Christ’s suffering, to cast our anxieties upon God, and to “discipline ourselves.” Discipline usually has a very negative connotation in our society, especially if others discipline us. But what does it mean to “discipline ourselves?”
May 28th Worship: Pentecost Sunday
Scriptures: Acts 2:1-21; Psalm 104:24-34, 35b; 1 Corinthian 12:3b-13; John 20:19-23
Sermon: “Receive the Holy Spirit”
Today we once again read the familiar Pentecost reading from Acts 2: 1-21, when the Spirit overflowed and the Christian Church began. The Spirit is always around us, and available to us for encouragement and discernment. What stops us from receiving this incredible gift of grace?
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Do You Have A Heart For Missions?
Join Us As We Welcome Missionaries Thayer and Chery Salisbury! Thayer and Chery Salisbury worked as missionaries and teachers for eight years beginning in the early 1990’s. They found that there were no suitable textbooks to teach from. The teacher either used no textbooks or relied on imported textbooks that did not fit the culture.
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