Ruth CunningCategory Archives

Dress For Stress II

Auth024By: Chaplain Ruth Cunning

Previously I wrote about verses 10-12 of Ephesians Chapter 6. Now I am writing about verse 13: “Therefore take up the whole armor of God that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, having done all, to stand.”

First it is paramount that you pick up and put on the “whole armor of God.” God has issued you the outfit and equipped you with the weapons and tools that you’ll need to fight against your foes—but it’s your responsibility to wear them and use them!

Luke 12:48 – To whom much is given, much will be required.

This is a requirement…this is mandatory! It’s for our own PROTECTION.

Next let’s look at the word WITHSTAND: To vigorously oppose; bravely resist; stand face-to- face against an adversary; standing your ground.

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Auth024By Ruth Cunning

Spring follows Winter. In between each seasonal change there is a time of TRANSFORMATION and PREPARATION. We are entering that time of transformation and preparation before we will enter the beauty of Spring.

A long time ago, the Lord spoke this word to me:
“The way you PREPARE today will determine your tomorrows.”
So how do we PREPARE for a beautiful Spring….filled with new growth and new life?

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Dress For Stress

Auth024Ephesians 6:14 instructs us to “Put on the BELT of TRUTH.”
Roman soldiers, when they were off-duty, dressed very casually.   It was their custom to wear long, loose-fitting tunics.  However, when they would dress for battle, it was necessary for them to draw up the loose-ends of their long garment, tuck it under the belt, and tightly fasten it around their waist so they wouldn’t slip, trip, or fall when fighting their adversary.
Without the BELT of TRUTH to hold things together, the enemy (satan) could easily injure them, defeat them, or slay them.  So it was extremely important that the 1st thing they would PUT ON was the BELT of TRUTH.  They fully realized that if they failed to put it on, they’d  have to pay the consequences!

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